Monday, 7 December 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 Post #6

Week Four

Day Twenty-Two - 2,019 words, 3 cups of tea - 50k reached! NaNo has been beaten for another year!

Day Twenty-Three - 2,055 words, 3 cups of tea - No time to celebrate. I've got a novel to finish!

Day Twenty-Four - 4,223 words, 4 cups of tea 

Day Twenty -Five - 2,094 words, 4 cups of tea 

Day Twenty-Six - 2,279 words, 4 cups of tea 

Day Twenty-Seven - 4,112 words, 4 cups of tea 

Day Twenty-Eight - 2,063 words, 2 cups of tea 

Week four has been quite a ride. I reached 50,000 and 70,000 words by the end of November. I also stuck to my 2,000 words a day for ZA. I came from giving up a book on day three and starting anew on day four and look at me now. Anything is possible. I may not have finished yet but . . .

I have WON NaNoWriMo for the fifth year in a row. 

Time for a celebration! And then back to writing . . .

The Extra Days

Day Twenty-Nine - 2,147 words, 1 cup of tea 

Day Thirty - 2,268 words, 4 cups of tea 

Well NaNoWriMo, you are once again defeated. You are yet to taste my defeat and I've got a lot of novels left in me yet! See you next year . . .

Molly Looby
Author / Editor in Chief at Molten Publishing / Freelance Editor / Writing Coach / Reviewer / Blogger / Wrimo / Movellian / ZA Ready

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