Monday, 4 July 2016

No Plus One - Steph Young and Jill Dickman


No Plus One is the ultimate manual for living an amazing single life. Its stories teach nine critical lessons that cover the most pressing issues single women face: taking risks, getting over an ex, dealing with bad dating advice and keeping your standards high, among others.

This is a book for single women who want to live a great life without the anxiety of finding or keeping a man. No Plus One uncovers the beauty in being single. It holds the key to finding confidence and happiness while learning how to be bold, outgoing and graceful in the process.


I feel like I should mention before anything else, that I am not single, nor have I been during my adult life. However, that didn't mean I didn't get anything out of this book. 

Although the lessons are mostly aimed at single women, I'm sure there's something to be learnt from it, no matter what you're going through. Long-term single people, newly single people, long-term relationship people, everyone. And I think that's one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much. It wasn't trying to convince me that single life was better than life in a relationship, and it wasn't trying to convince me that being in a relationship was better than being single. It just teaches lessons on how to be happy, whatever that means for you. And I don't know about you, but that's some pretty powerful advice.

No Plus One left me with a fantastic positive buzz that made me want to action the teachings of the book. I loved the little 'Homework' sections after each chapter and summaries to really drive the points home.

The book's aim is to help you learn who you are, what your limits are, and make you feel awesome. If that's not amazing, I don't know what is.

The only negative I can think of was that I spotted a few typos, and there were a lot of instances where I would've put a comma for clarity. But that might be my picky editor being let loose

With the positive attitude, personal anecdotes, and nuggets of advice, this was a very easy book to read.

Single or not, I'm sure there's something in it for everyone.

Author / Editor in Chief at Molten Publishing / Freelance Editor / Writing Coach / Reviewer / Blogger / Wrimo / Movellian / ZA Ready

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