Monday, 16 November 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 Post #3

Week Two

Day Eight - 2,211 words, 1 cup of tea - Awesome, awesome, awesome!

Day Nine - 3,051 words, 3 cups of tea - Back on target!

Day Ten - 4,088 words, 4 cups of tea - Loving every second! Ahead of target now!

Day Eleven - 2,617 words, 2 cups of tea - Cracked 20k!

Day Twelve - 3,694 words, 3 cups of tea - Noticing how my tea intake is starting to affect my word count . . . Half way there!

Day Thirteen - 2,860 words, 4 cups of tea.

Day Fourteen - 2,937 words, 0 cups of tea.

Week two was steady and tough towards the end but every day I write it gets easier to sit down and write. I find I have to sit with my word document open for less time each day to get the words out and that's a magnificent feeling. Although I'm 30k in and not half way done . . . who knows how long this draft of ZA is going to be? I'm excited to find out!

Molly Looby
Author / Editor in Chief at Molten Publishing / Freelance Editor / Writing Coach / Reviewer / Blogger / Wrimo / Movellian / ZA Ready

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