I never do a chatty blog so what better time to start than the run up to NaNoWriMo 13. I think I can honestly say that this year I'm more excited about NaNoWriMo than ever before. In 2011 - which was my first year - I was just petrified the entire time. In 2012 I was blind to anything else but my forming novel. This year I'm filled with anticipation. Maybe it's because I'm rushing to finish the novel I'm currently writing! God knows if I'll finish it in time.
This year I'm going to write a story that's been in my head close to five years now. It's gone through many changes since then (plot, characters, genre) but I've never been able to just drop it like other half formed ideas. I would try and explain the plot to you here but I'll just get carried away. Also, I want to save some stuff for November. I'm planning to track my journey as it happens.
NaNoWriMo is the perfect time to procrastinate.
So for those of you WriMos out there, I don't have any buddies on NaNoWriMo.org which is really sad. I'd love to chat to my fellow WriMos so feel free to add me. My username is simply: MollyLooby
I'm the one who's written ZA (2011) I Dare You (2012) and my 2013 novel is called Ice Flame - for now. I have a feeling I'll change it.
So don't be shy! I'd love to hear your NaNoWriMo tales!
Molly Looby
Author / Wrimo / Editor / Writing Coach / Reviewer / ZA ready
Contact me about writing, reading, NaNoWriMo!, vampires, werewolves, zombies and the like here: molly.looby@hotmail.com
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