I was in Spain during the 1st and the 2nd of November and found it surprisingly stress-free to hand write my words for each day. I hit my target of 2,000 (I need those extra 300-400 words a day to keep away from the exact word count. I have to be ahead!) both days without much hassle. My friend helped me work out where was best to start and then I was off.
Counting it up at the end of each page so I didn't have to do it all in one go though, was very irritating.
The real challenge was yesterday, the 3rd. I arrived home late on the 2nd and unpacked everything but that was just the very beginning of my list of stuff to do. I read three books on holiday meaning I had three more reviews to write (which I still haven't done - they're coming, just slowly, it is WriMo after all) to add to the two that are still unwritten from before I left. So now my reviews to write are totalling five - the most I've had to write since I decided to do them. I also read through the beginning of the novel I finished in October and have a few changes to make to it before the big print out. I had to put my holiday photos on my laptop and send them to my friend. I had to sort out my word count on NaNoWriMo.org.
I had to write this blog post. I wanted to track my progress so that's what I'm going to do.
I had to write up my words from holiday. (This is coming along in bits and pieces which makes it even worse trying to work out my word count).
I had to do my words for that day. And today I have to do my words for the 4th.
It's strange how I thought this year would be easiest. Last year I had work on Friday nights, Sixth Form on the weekdays and tons of homework to do in my spare time and I still got it done. This year I've got none of that going on. I go to the lovely writing community - Movellas www.movellas.com - where I intern on Tuesdays and Thursdays but that's it. And there I write a lot on my train journey into London.
This shouldn't be so hard.
I think it's getting into the swing of things that's the trouble here. Being in Spain and having some stuff to sort out now I'm back means I haven't had a very good writing routine.
But I am a very driven person. I would go as far as saying I'm scared of failure. So that means I will write 2,000 words every day regardless. Because I will not admit defeat.
I'm coming to get you, Wrimo.
Molly Looby
Author / Wrimo / Editor / Reviewer / Writing Coach / ZA Ready
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