Thursday, 28 November 2013

NaNoWriMo 2013 Post #6

Sorry it's been a while but I've been so busy writing!  I reached 50,000 words on day 22 and I haven't stopped.  I can't!  I've got a book to finish!

Current word count stands at 64,117.

And I'm still going.

Again, since the last blog post I've been enjoying the online company of Movellains who are always there to push you forward.

I have nothing more to add as I'm so busy trying to keep up with my novel and all the other stuff that's piling up.  Including books to read.  Oh yeah, I've just discovered Goodreads.  And I was in the paper today!

Please pardon the pun.  It's killing me.

So I'm going to sign off and keep on writing.  See you when I'm done.  Wish me luck.

I'll leave you with the latest quotes.

Ash - "with Cerulean I could look at my worst and it didn't matter.  He'd hate me just the same whatever I looked like.  There was something liberating about that.  There was something wonderful about that."

Cerulean - "Life is complicated, isn't it?"

Cerulean - "It really is something, feeling so alive you could burst with it."

Cerulean - "It wasn't that I was scared; it was more that I was terrified.  But that good kind of terrified.  The kind that brought a thrill.  The thrills that people lived for."

And the link to my NaNoWriMo 2013 novel on Movellas - well most of it.

Molly Looby

Author / Wrimo / Movellian / Editor / Reviewer / Blogger / Writing Coach / ZA Ready

Contact me about writing, reading, NaNoWriMo, Movellas, zombies and everything awesome here:

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