As most of you know, I'm addicted to NaNoWriMo and for the past three years I have participated in writing 50,000 words in November and I have won! In 2011 it was ZA which is available on Amazon's Kindle for only 77p if you love a good zombie novel.
Then in 2012 it was I Dare You which was shortlisted for the Sony Young Movellist of the Year competition!
And last year it was Just a Pair of Abominations which I blogged about in detail as I was writing it.

CampNaNoWriMo is like NaNoWriMo but a lot more lenient. You set your own word goal and it doesn't have to be a novel but of course mine is. So on July 1st I found myself writing 1,000 words a day to reach my 30,000 word count goal by the 31st of July, but more importantly, I'd have the bulk of a novel by the end of July and before my birthday in September I will have finished book number nine, well on track for my goal of having written ten books in my five years writing.

I'm more excited about my novel, 30,000 words in than I was at the very beginning and that's amazing. Now's about the time to tell you all about it.
'The Fall of Us' follows thirteen year old Tye and Eeli who have left their childhood home in search of their dreams.
Here's what I wrote for the blurb on Movellas: Enter the world of Tye. The Fall has devastated much of the world as we know it but Tye knows nothing else. He and his best friend Eeli are ready to leave their home as soon as they reach thirteen years so that they can be off on their own and be who they want to be and do what they want to do. At last.
Tye and Eeli could never have imagined how dangerous the real world was going to be.
I first thought up the characters of Tye and Eeli in August last year and between then and now I've been working out what exactly happened in my apocalypse and how the world would work. Once I figured that out the rest seemed to come easy, but in a random order. There's a lot of people for them to meet and a lot of places for them to explore. I've never written an adventure story like this before and I'm loving it. But as usual, I know too much about everyone's backstory (saying that, I can never know too much about my characters) and the hardest part is deciding what to include and what to leave out.
While you wait for me to finish this story, here's about half of what exists so far.
I'll leave you with a quote from my protagonist:
"It’s wrong. The feelin of bein the happiest you’ve ever bin an the saddest you’ve ever bin all at once. I’ve never had a feelin like it. Bittersweet, Nat called it. I reckon there’s never bin a more perfect word." - Tye, The Fall of Us
Molly Looby
Author/Wrimo/Editor/Ghostwriter/Blogger/Reviewer/Movellian/ZA Ready
Contact me if you have any questions about books or writing or anything here: