Last year Pierce flatlined following an accident.
During that time she saw a dark world and met a mysterious, irresistible boy.
Now that boy, John Hayden, has turned up at school. Every time she sees him Pierce finds herself in terrible danger. Yet she's still drawn to him.
John wants to take her back to the place she fears the most: the Underworld.
The question is, why?
My Review
I sort of got what I expected from this book. I didn't think it would be a favourite but I knew it wouldn't be terrible - and that was before I picked it up. I'm pretty good at guessing YA novels by now.
Well I was right with my prediction.
The first chapter was good, kicking the story off with a bang. I was asking so many questions as I turned the pages and I needed them answered, so I kept reading. This intrigue continued for a while and I kept reading, dying to know what on earth was going on.
By the time I started working it out, I also started to get bored. I felt like the protagonist, Pierce, was teasing me by withholding information. I know pretty much all books do this but it was the way Pierce spoke to the reader that made me feel like she was dangling the answers in front of me and then yanking them away. After fifty or so pages, Pierce was getting on my nerves.
And it wasn't just Pierce. I disliked John, the love interest, too. He creeped me out a lot and I couldn't see the romantic appeal to him at all. I actually found it really disturbing that Pierce would be attracted to this danger in her life. I couldn't understand his motives and that had me really struggling at times. I just couldn't understand him.
When I got to the end, I realised why I felt like that about John. It was because Cabot has saved all her brilliant plot twists and action and reveals and things for the next two books. Abandon really was pretty boring. It had an anti-climatic ending that was obviously supposed to make you crave the next one in the trilogy because you still have so many questions.
That just irritated me. Save some stuff for the rest of the trilogy, of course, but give your first book in it more of . . . well something! It was just . . .meh.
Overall 6/10
Would I recommend it? No. I definitely didn't enjoy it enough and I won't be reading the next one.
Would I look up the author? No. I know about Meg Cabot and I'm not that impressed.
Abandon was nothing special. It was clear Cabot was saving herself for books two and three.
Molly Looby
Author / Ghostwriter / Editor / Blogger / Reviewer / Wrimo / Movellian / ZA Ready
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