A Spoiler Free Bit About the Book
'Monument 14' is the story of a group of kids of varying ages - maybe five to eighteen - who are stuck in a shopping centre after their bus crashes.
My Review
I knew from the blurb that 'Monument 14' was going to be my kind of book, so I had high expectations. I was a little worried that the idea might be too similar to Michael Grant's phenomenal 'GONE' series but I shouldn't have worried. Emmy Laybourne held her ground and wrote something amazing.
'Monument 14' dove straight in. There was no faffing which was brilliant. You don't want life stories at the beginning. You don't want mind-numbing description. I was given exactly what I wanted. A straight in, no nonsense first chapter - first paragraph no less.
While we're talking about the first paragraph, you might be interested to know that it's written in the second person ("you did this") while the rest of the novel is written in the first person ("I did this"). It surprised me and gripped me with it's unusual nature. It was extremely effective.
I loved Dean's 'voice' Laybourne has a spectacular grasp of him in her narration and it was so much fun to read. Dean tells you who is who and what is going on in that straight forward, matter of fact way a teenager tells their friends things. It was brilliant. I loved Dean and his narration, it made the novel enjoyable from beginning to end.
It was also great that the characters were all so different from one another. 'Monument 14' needed this due to the vast number of characters but once I'd learnt who was who I didn't get mixed up once. Although, I do think they were introduced far too close together, making it more difficult at first to know who was who.
The plot was fantastic. There was always something going on and I always longed to be reading for this reason. I also had no idea what was coming next. I don't want to spoil it for anyone wishing to read it so I'll say only this: Emmy Laybourne has an exceptional imagination. It was one thing after another. You have no idea what's coming next so you're on your toes. It was a great read. I turned the final page longing for more.
Plot Idea - 7/10 - kids, trapped in a shopping centre without adults. Yes please.
Way Plot Was Pursued - 8/10 - there was so much going on and I loved Dean as a narrator
Characters 8/10 - all very lovable in their own special way. It was a shame that it was difficult to grasp them all at first.
Style - 9/10 - there was no faff at any point. Dean was a very realistic, very likeable and easy to relate to narrator.
Pace - 9/10 - there was always something going on and there were parts full of tension and suspense where I couldn't put it down.
Would I recommend it? - Yes. I found it very difficult to fault at all.
Would I look up the author? Yes. 'Monument 14' was Laybourne's debut novel and I can't wait for more!
Read any great books lately? Any recommendations? Let me know!
Molly Looby
Author / Wrimo / Reviewer / Editor / Writing Coach / ZA ready
Contact me on: molly.looby@hotmail.com
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